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3025 Chastain Meadows Pkwy NW Suite 800 Marietta, GA 30066

About Sparck Technologies

Sparck Technologies is a century young global tech company specialized in automated fit-to-size packaging. We are a human driven, automation obsessed, no-nonsense company. At Sparck, we design, build, and develop fit-to-size automated packaging solutions for businesses challenged by increasing order volumes, labor shortages, and rising shipping costs. By automating the process of manual packing with high-tech machines, our CVP Impack and CVP Everest can produce airtight, right-sized boxes reliably, for every order. With the capability to tailor-make up to 1,100 packages per hour on demand of single- or multi-item orders, our automated packaging solutions offer high volume throughput combined with unparalleled flexibility.

Sparck’s automated packaging systems use advanced fit-to-size technology to custom size, construct, seal, weigh, and label orders with precision, eliminating the need for void-fill materials. These reliable systems allow companies to efficiently handle the increasing demand for online orders, even during peak times, while also saving on labor costs and reducing box volume and corrugate consumption. Our two models, the CVP Impack and CVP Everest, offer savings on shipping, transportation, and material costs, decrease labor constraints, and aid in sustainability efforts. 

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